Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Preliminary Task

The preliminary task required me to complete a front cover and contents page for a student magazine. I had to carry out my own photography around my college, using the natural scenery and asking friends to act as subjects for the images used in the magazine, and later edit these in Photoshop in order to make them look professional and finished off. After this I had to begin creating my front cover. This meant converting the documents from Photoshop into high quality JPEG images to be transferred onto my front cover in 'In Design'. I then had to decide on a colour scheme and typeface, and create an effective, eye-catching logo which would appeal to the target audience. I then was required to conduct some research into contents pages and decide on a style, continuing the same colour scheme as my front cover, and had to come up with some interesting ideas for mock magazine articles. I then had to complete a PowerPoint document, documenting my work and the progress made in the task.

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